How To Start A Blog In 2023 From Scratch

Last updated on July 27th, 2023 at 09:44 pm

Hey newbies, do you want to learn how to start a blog in 2023?

Then, trust me you are landed in the perfect place.

Firstly, let me tell you one thing that if you decided to start blogging as a career then you made it the best ever decision of your life.

Because blogging is the only online business that gives you multiple online money-making opportunities.


As a blogger, you can make money from affiliate marketing, sponsorships, Adsense & many other ways.

Blogging is the field that can give you your dream life, in short, it will help you to live your life on your own terms.

If you are one of them who are tired with their 9 to 5 routine job & want to break that shuttle, then blogging is a perfect choice for you.

When I started my blogging journey that time very few resources were available on the internet to learn blogging from scratch.

That time I’m gathering information from various websites & implementing it on my blog, which takes more time to grow my first ever blog.

Therefore, to help you out of it & to save your time, we decided to make this in-depth free guide on how to start a blog in 2023 and make money online.

So, are you excited to start a successful blog in 2023? then let’s start it together.

How To Start A Blog In 2023 From Scratch & Make Money:

Here are the 9 very important steps to start your blogging journey from scratch.

Choose a niche (topic) for your blog:

The first & most crucial step in blogging is selecting a perfect niche for your blog.

I’m specifically using the word “perfect niche” because it means a niche that actually suited you or you actually have an interest in that.

Because this is the step where your blogging success depends on.

As per the research, 98% of newbies are quitting their blogging journey in the span of 6 to 8 months due to the selection of imperfect niches.

Imperfect niche means the niche in which you don’t have proper knowledge & interest as well.

Due to lack of interest, you are unable to write content on such a specific niche after 6 to 8 months & which results in you start thinking that blogging is not made for you.

But, at that time the real problem is in your selection of niche.

In the initial phase of blogging, you start your blogging journey by seeing someone else success or income.

Therefore you try to copy their niche even you don’t have an interest in it, where you did the first mistake of your blogging journey.

Because, if you start your blogging journey with a lack of interest niche, then you can’t become a successful blogger at all.

Therefore, if you want to become a successful blogger & make money from it then you have to pick your own niche according to your knowledge & interest.

To make things easier for you here are some of the profitable niche ideas for 2023:

  • Personal Development
  • Finance
  • Travel
  • Make Money Online
  • Relationships
  • Health & Fitness
  • Lifestyle Or Fashion
  • Trending News
  • Cooking

All the above niches are just for your reference, you can surely build your blog by choosing one of them but if you really have an interest in it.

Choose the best domain name for your blog:

After selecting a perfect niche for your money-making blog the next crucial step is choosing the best domain name for your blog.

Basically, choosing a domain name is not a big task but choosing the best domain name according to your niche is the real big task.

Because the domain name is your first point of interaction with users.

In more simple words, users can find your website with the help of a domain name.

So, here are some things to keep in mind while choosing a domain name for your money-making blog.

1) Domain Length:

Never select a domain name that contains more than two to three words, because it will be difficult to remember for your users.

2) Domain Extension:

Always select a domain name with .com extension, because it is a globally used extension.

3) Avoid Numbers In Domain Name:

If you really want to make a successful blog & make money then must avoid using numbers in your domain name, because it will affect your site SEO & also look very unprofessional.

4) Use Keyword In Domain Name:

Try to find a domain name with your main keywords or relative keywords, which helps you to increase the relevancy of your website.

I think, now the picture is quite clear in your mind about how to select a perfect domain name for your website.

So, let me show you a quick guide for purchasing the best domain for your site from NameCheap

Step 1: Click here to visit the official website of NameCheap

namecheap domain name diggiswapp

Step 2: Signup on NameCheap

Step 3: Just enter your domain name in the search box & hit enter button

Step 4: If you find your desired domain name available in search results then click on the add to cart button.

Step 5: Fill in the necessary details & complete payment.

This is how you can get a domain name for your website.

So, now let’s move on to the next step of starting a money-making blog in 2023.

Select a perfect web hosting for your blog:

Selecting a perfect web hosting is the real challenge of your blogging journey.

Because your earning potential depends upon this factor.

Let me explain to you with simple words, after some months of hustling when your blog starts getting organic views, that time your blog gets continuous traffic from google.

So, in that scenario, if your web hosting is not capable enough to handle such traffic then your website will crash.

Which makes a very negative impact on your google ranking. In short, it will affect your earning game.

Therefore, always select the best web hosting for your money-making blog to avoid such kind of risk in the future.

So, if you ask me which is the best web hosting for you to grow your blogging business at the next level?

Then, I highly recommend you to start your blogging journey with Bluehost web hosting.

Bluehost is not only affordable & the best web hosting for beginners but also it is recommended by one of the biggest blogging platforms WordPress.

Every successful & pro bloggers always recommend BlueHost web hosting for every newbie.

So, what are you waiting for?

Let’s start your blogging journey with these most trusted web hosting.

Follow the below steps to create your first blog with BlueHost

Step 1: Click Here to get started with BlueHost

bluehost diggiswapp 1

Step 2: Select the best-suited hosting plan for you, according to your need & budget

BlueHost provides the best hosting at an affordable price to start a blog in 2023 & make money online.

bluehost package diggiswapp 1

After selecting a hosting plan, click on select to go to the next window.

Step 3: Enter your desired domain name (Bluehost offers you a free domain name for 1 year)

You need to enter your domain name in the create a new window section.

setup domain diggiswapp

Make sure your domain extension is .com for better results.

After selecting the desired domain name, click on the Next button.

Step 4: Enter your account details

Here you need to provide your basic details.

account information diggiswapp

After that scroll down below,

Here, you need to select a package according to how far you want to stay with BlueHost.

bluehost package information diggiswapp

They provide you with plans for 1, 2, or 3 years, you need to select one of these & then scroll down below.

Note: If you are really serious & see blogging as a career, then I highly recommend you to go with a higher plan because it will save you a lot of money.

Then, in the package extras

If you require any of the below services then click on the nearest box otherwise uncheck all & move to next.

bluehost package extra diggiswapp 1

Then, complete your BlueHost hosting purchase by filling details in payment information & ticking on the terms & conditions checkbox.

bluehost payment information diggiswapp
bluehost signup submit diggiswapp

After submitting all the necessary details, you will get a confirmation message like this.

bluehost payment success diggiswapp

Step 5: Create a secure password & login

The next step is you need to create your BlueHost account, by clicking on the create account button, which appears in the above message.

create bluehost account diggiswapp 1

This account will give you complete access to your BlueHost control panel ( cPanel).

Enter your domain name and create a strong & secured password.

After creating a password successfully, the next thing you need to do is log in to your BlueHost account & install the WordPress.

bluehost domain login diggiswapp 1

Set up your WordPress blog:

After login to your BlueHost account, you will see your Cpanel such as this,

bluehost dashboard diggiswapp

You will see the temporary address of your site in the highlighted box, which will automatically replace it with your domain address after some time.

You will see the WordPress button at the top side of the right corner.

By clicking on that you can install WordPress.

After successful installation of WordPress, you can easily access your WordPress backend dashboard to write, edit & publish your blog posts.

Now you can open your WordPress dashboard by visiting on URL directly.

That means you don’t need to always login into your WordPress backend dashboard through the BlueHost account.

You can directly open your WordPress dashboard by visiting

It will look like below,

wordpress dashboard diggiswapp 1

Now you can customize your blog as you want.

Select an attention-grabbing theme for your blog:

After creating a website successfully, now it’s time to customization of your blog.

In every blog customization process, thems play a vital role.

In fact, your blog customization totally depends on your blog theme.

Basically, you can find tonnes of free themes in the Apperance>Themes>Add New section of your WordPress dashboard.

But, if you really want to scale your blog at the next level & earn some decent money from it then, please don’t use any of them.

Because of free to use, there are high chances to get easily hacked these themes by anyone & due to this, you will lose your all data anytime.

In simple words, all these free themes are not secure & good for money-making bloggers.

Your blog theme is the real center of attraction of your website, it will help you to increase the engagement rate of your any article.

If you provide content with great design or optimization then you will automatically boost your ranking chances.

So, if you really want to do professional blogging & earn money on a monthly basis then you need to invest some money in the initial stage of your blogging journey.

These will definitely help you to grow your blogging business from scratch.

So, if you ask me which is the best theme to start a blog in 2023? then I surely recommend you “Generate press premium theme”.

I personally use this theme on my various blogs due to its top-class & amazing features, these help me to double my income.

Generate Press is one of the lightest themes, which makes your site loading speed much faster.

In short, Generate Press is the best SEO-friendly theme, which helps you to boost your search engine ranking.

So, what are you waiting for? customize your money-making blog with Generate Press.

Here are some quick steps to buy GeneratePress Premium Theme

Step 1: Click Here to purchase GeneratePress Premium Theme

generatepress premium diggiswapp

Step 2: Click on Premium > Get It Now > Add To Cart options.

generate press coupon diggiswapp 1

After following these simple steps you will find the GeneratePress theme is added to your cart.

Step 3: Log in to your GeneratePress account & simply click on Account > Downloads.

Step 4: Now, you will see a button for downloading GP Premium (Plugin), click on Downloads to save these files in your computer storage.

Note: Do not forget to copy the License key from your account, as shown below
generatepress license key diggiswapp

Step 5: Now it’s time to login into your WordPress dashboard & go to the Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin section to install & activate this plugin, which is you downloaded and save on your computer storage.

Step 6: After successful installation & activation of the Gp Premium theme, click on Appearance > GeneratePress > Updates section & paste the license key to activate all features of these plugins.

Add some essential plugins for your WordPress blog:

The best part about starting a blog with WordPress is, these platforms provide us variety of plugins to ease our daily work.

WordPress plugins help us to automate our blogging business without having any technical knowledge.

Generally, there are tonnes of plugins available on the WordPress platform but very few of them are really worth using.

A number of plugins also can affect your page loading speed therefore always use only essential plugins for your blog.

I know, as a beginner finding essential plugins for your money-making blog is quite a tough task.

But don’t worry, to make your task easier here is the list of some must-have plugins for starting a blog in 2023,

1) Akismet Anti-Spam:

This plugin helps us to secure your blog from spammy comments.

2) Easy Table Of Content:

This amazing plugin helps us to create a user-friendly & professional-looking table of content automatically.

3) Elementor:

Elementor is a page builder, which helps us to customize our blog in just some simple drag & drop steps.

4) OneSignal Push Notification:

This is one of the most essential plugins for every blogger.

These plugins help us to convert our visitors into regular users by sending them notifications of every new activity.

5) Rank Math SEO:

Rank Math is the best ever plugin to optimize your blog as per SEO requirements.

These plugins help us to create SEO-friendly blog posts.

6) ShortPixel Image Optimizer:

ShortPixel helps us to optimize our blog images without losing their quality.

7) Social Snap Lite:

This plugin helps users to share our content on multiple social platforms in a just single click.

8) UpdraftPlus:

With the help of UpdraftPlus, we can take backup of our money-making blogs & also can restore them at any time.

All the above plugins are we personally use on every blog to ease our work

Write & publish your first blog post or article:

Purchasing the best hosting, domain name to installing the best theme & essential plugins, all the tasks we are done so far.

Now, it’s time to post our first ever blog post.

To write & publish your first blog post, you need to click on the Post > Add New tab.

publish a post diggiswapp

Now, you can start writing content on the basis of your niche.

But wait,

Let me give some quick & pro tips to write SEO-friendly content, which will also help you to rank your blog from scratch.

  • Always target Long Tail Keywords in the initial days of blogging
  • Write content with short paragraphs
  • Always add well-optimized images in your content
  • Write content by including relative keywords
  • Write content for users intent
  • Don’t forget to add internal & outbound links to your content

If you want a more in-depth guide for boosting your SEO ranking & Google ranking then click here.

Promote your blog to get instant traffic:

If you want to earn money from blogging then without traffic it is not possible at all.

Blogging is all about driving more & more traffic to your website.

But, the majority of newbies ignore this fact & they give more focus to publishing content.

Yes, publishing content at a regular interval of time is important but the promotion of such content is also even more important.

In the initial days of blogging, you need to add some extra efforts from your side to drive traffic on your money-making blog.

Extra efforts mean you need to promote your blog through various social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter & many more.

This activity will help you to spread the awareness of your blog & also help you to build the authority of your blog.

You can also use various question-answer sites as like Quora, Yahoo Answers, and Fluther to promote your blog content.

Believe me, Quora is like a free traffic mine for every type of blogger.

If you work smartly on quora then you can easily drive a massive amount of free traffic on your blog.

Also, for getting instant traffic on your brand new blog, you can join various forum sites & answer the query regarding your niche.

Best ways to make money from your blog:

Once you start getting traffic on your blog then the next & most important task is monetization.

Every blogger starts their blogging journey by dreaming one day we will also make money online with the help of our blog.

Am I right?

So, if you are also one of them & want to know how you will earn money online by starting a new blog? then stay tuned.

Basically, there are plenty of ways to monetize your blog but very few of them are really more effective.

So, here are some best ways to make money online by starting a new blog:

1) Ad Networks:

Making money from blogging by using various Ad networks is the most common & best way for newbies.

I can say, this is one of the simplest & trusted ways to earn money online by starting a new blog.

There are so many Ad networks available in today’s digital world like Adsense,, Popads, Infolinks & many more.

You can select any one of them according to your content.

But undoubtedly, Adsense is the most popular & profitable Ad network from the last many years.

I also recommend you, if you are a beginner blogger then start your online money-making journey with an Adsense ad network.

2) Affiliate Marketing:

The best part about blog monetization with affiliate marketing is, you can make massive money with a small amount of traffic.

Affiliate marketing is one of the perfect ways for every new blog because here you don’t require as much heavy traffic to make money as AdSense.

3) Sell Digital Products:

If you are an expert in any field like digital marketing, food blogging, travel blogging, or any other then you can sell your own products.

Products mean you can sell courses, ebooks, or any other paid video tutorials to your audience.

If your content is really adding some value to your user’s life then they don’t hesitate to buy products from you.

4) Sponsorship:

Sponsorship is also one of the best ways to earn money online from blogs.

When your blog succeeds to drive a decent amount of traffic that time various brands & services will approach you for sponsorships.

Many of the industry experts earn a massive amount of money by promoting the content of various sponsors.

5) Blog Selling:

Selling your money-making blog is also a great way to generate a massive amount of money at one time.

Once your blog reaches decent traffic & you start earning a good amount of money from your blog then you can sell this blog at any cost you want.

For example, if your site earns $100 per month then also you can sell it at the prices of $1000 to $2000 easily.

A bunch of people is already following these strategies to make money online from blogging.

Faqs Related To How To Start A Blog In 2023:

Now, it’s time to answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding how to start a blog in 2023 & make money online.

I know, there is a huge list of such questions but I’m picking up here some of the most asked & basic questions only.

It is worth starting a blog in 2023?

We all know, how rapidly we are going into the era of digitalization.
Now, every single person uses the internet to get a solution to their every query.
Therefore, I must say it is a good time to start a blog & earn money online.

Why do most bloggers fail?

The honest answer to the above question is due to a lack of patience & execution most of the bloggers fail to reach success.
Remember, blogging is not a quick money-making scheme, it is a purely online business & it requires some time to grow.

What type of blogs makes the most money?

Basically, every type of blog or niche is equally profitable.
It totally depends on you that, how you can utilize your blog traffic to make money online in 2023.

How do I start a free blog in 2023?

For starting a free blog you can go with some free-to-use blogger platforms like, &
But, if you want to do money-making blogging then all these platforms are not worth it to use.

Final Thoughts:

As I mentioned earlier blogging needs some time to grow. In blogging, you can’t earn money from day one.

Also, if you expect to earn money from blogging then firstly you need to invest some money.

That invested money will definitely help you to grow your blogging business to the next level.

So I hope, the above guide will help you to get all the answers regarding how to start a blog in 2023 & make money online.

Also, this guide will help you to start your money-making blog.

Still, if you are stuck at any of the above steps feel free to ask us in the below comment box section.

We are always there to help you & to make your blogging journey smoother.

One more thing, if you feel this article is informative & helpful, then don’t forget to share it on social media platforms or with your friends and family.

Every single share is equally valuable for us.

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