Best & Top Bloggers Of India To Follow In 2023

Last updated on July 27th, 2023 at 09:31 pm

Whenever you start any career journey, you required some sort of motivation in an early phase to boost your confidence level.

Similarly, if you just started your blogging journey & confused about whether you take the right decision or not?

Then, don’t worry, because today we are going to discover top bloggers of India, which will help you to know the scope of blogging.


As I know, at the initial stage of blogging there is always a curiosity to know the best bloggers & their earnings, especially in Indian bloggers.

Therefore, by considering these, we are trying to uncover the list of some famous Indian bloggers & their best blogs to read.

Disclaimer:- All the information mention in this article regarding top bloggers in India may not be 100% accurate. We are gathering these all information from various sources.

Amit Agarwal:

Whenever we talk about successful Indian bloggers, Amit Agarwal is the only name that comes first.

The guy, who really gives wings to blogging in India. His name is always rank firstly as a professional blogger in India.

He started their blog in the year 2004 by quitting their 9-5 job routine. He likes to write an article on technology & software.

Today his website receives traffic of more than 4 million per month.

As per the latest report he earns an estimated $60,000 per month from their blog.

The major earning source of their blog or website is Google Adsense.

Harsh Agarwal:

Nowadays, Harsh Agarwal & their blog is one of the leading names in the list of top bloggers of India.

His blogging journey is a real inspiration for every new blogger. He started their journey in the year 2008.

But in actual their blogging career grows in the year 2009, when he went through a major accident & completely on bed rest for 6-7 months.

During that time span, he worked so hard on their blog & their hard work pays off in the next few years.

Today is one of the best blogs to read in India, which drives more than 600k per month visitors.

Nowadays, Harsh Agarwal manages to earn an estimated $52,000 per month from their blog.

The major source of their earnings is affiliate marketing & consulting.

Shradha Sharma:

Shradha Sharma is the only female blogger who is ahead in the list of top bloggers in India.

She started their blogging journey in 2008 with In this blog, she shares stories regarding entrepreneurs & start-ups.

If you searching for online opportunities then, yourstory is the best platform for you.

Today yourstory receives more than 4 million visitors per month.

Shradha Sharma earns approximately more than $32,000 per month from their blog.

The main income source of her earning is from Adsense, Affiliate Marketing & Business Events.

Varun Krishnan:

Varun Krishnan is one of the top-notch names in the field of mobile blogging.

They run a world-class blog like since 2005, he likes to write on mobile technology in their blog.

They review various mobile phones & gadgets on the basis of their best knowledge.

Today he manages to drive more than 1 million per month traffic on their blog.

With the help of their blogs, Varun earns approximately $25,000 per month.

The major earning source of their blog is from advertising, affiliate marketing & Adsense.

Pritam Nagrale:

Pritam Nagrale is one of the well-established & famous bloggers in India.

He likes to deliver value base content to their users through their blogs.

Since 2004 he works online & earns money, but in 2009 he actually started their blogging journey.

In the initial phase, he failed as a blogger but he continued their journey without giving up.

Today Pritam Nagrale runs two successful blog sites, one is & another is

From both blogs, they receive more than 500k monthly traffic & generate on an average $35,000 revenue per month.

The major source of their blog earnings is Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & consultation.

Faisal Farooqui:

When internet marketing was a completely new thing for Indians, that time in 2001 Faisal Farooqui started

Today mouthshut is one of the best blogs to read reviews of the consumer on various products.

Because of mouthshut, Faisal Farooquies name is considered in the list of top bloggers of India.

Day by day the growth of mouthshut was increased rapidly.

According to the latest reports, this website drives more than 1.7 million traffic per month.

Faisal Farooqui manages to earn an estimated $50,000 per month from their blog.

The major source of income of their blog is from premium membership, advertising & affiliate marketing.

Pradeep Goyal:

If you are looking for financial freedom then, Pradeep Goyal’s is the best blog to read for you.

Pradeep Goyal’s life journey is filled with full ups & down.

In early 2010 he started their career as a software engineer, he got the opportunity to work in the USA.

But, after some year he came back to India to start their own business.

In the initial days, he got failure as a businessman, but in 2015 he started their blogging journey with

This blog change Pradeep Goyal’s life, today cashoverflow receives 250k visitors on monthly basis.

Which helps them to generate an estimated $15,000 per month of revenue.

The main source of their blog income is affiliate marketing & advertising.

Arun Prabhudesai:

Arun Prabhudesai started blog in the year 2007. In this blog, they mainly cover the topics like technology, startups & telecoms.

Arun Prabhudesai is one of the best & famous bloggers in India. His blog is featured in Times Of India.

For the past some years, their blogs consistently drive traffic more than 1.5 million per month.

Which help them to earn on an average $20,000 per month.

The main earning source of is from advertising, affiliate marketing & Adsense.

Abhijeet Mukherjee:

In Abhijeet Mukharjee teaches their users about how to use the latest gadgets like a pro.

In the field of technology, Abhijeet Mukherjee is one of the top bloggers of India.

Today, whenever peoples buy any techie gadget, they firstly visit guidingtech to learn the handling of this gadget in details.

Nowadays, their blog successfully drives 4 million monthly traffic, which helps them to generate an estimated $15,000 per month.

They earn the majority of their blog income through advertising, Adsense & affiliate marketing.

Anil Agarwal:

If you are a newbie blogger & want to create a career in blogging then, is the best blog to read & follow.

Bloggerspassion was founded in 2010 by Anil Agarwal, who is today one of the top bloggers of India.

So far bloggerspassion is featured on some of the highly reputed platforms like Forbes & Semrush.

Today bloggerspassion successfully drives more than 200k per month traffic.

These happened just because of Anil Agarwal’s passion & hard work towards blogging.

Only because of this hard work, he generate an estimated $13,000 per month revenue from their blog.

Affiliate Marketing, Adsense & Consulting are the main sources of income from their blog.


I hope this all information will help you to boost your self-confidence & improve your vision for blogging.

All the above are the top bloggers of India, who developed their blogging empire through their hard work & passion.

Must check out their blogs, because these are the best blogs to read for every newbie.

Their blogs will help you to understand how to write perfect content as per users’ interests or intent.

In short, these blogs will help you to understand, how the blogging game works.

The main motive of this article is to inspire thousands of new bloggers with the help of those famous Indian bloggers income & their journey.

So, kindly share more & more, because your one share is enough to change someone’s career!

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