Blogging Vs Youtube: Which Is Better For You & Why (Complete Guide 2023)

Last updated on July 27th, 2023 at 10:04 pm

Blogging & Youtube are the two most profitable online businesses to start your online money-making journey in this modern era.

But, the majority of beginners struggle a lot to decide a perfect platform for them, between blogging & youtube.

So, to help you out of it, in this guide we are comparing blogging vs youtube on various parameters.


Basically, whether it is blogging or youtube, is not everyone’s cup of tea, that’s why we need to choose it very carefully.

So, to make your task much easier, let’s understand, blogging vs youtube, which platform is better for you.

What is most comfortable to you?

Blogging & Youtube are the two completely opposite platforms to work.

In blogging, you need writing skills whereas in the case of youtube you need verbal communication skills to grow your online business.

So, before choosing one of them, firstly analyze your skill or interest.

In short, if you like to provide quality content in article form then blogging is the perfect choice for you to start your online journey.

Whereas if you like to provide quality content in video form then youtube is the best choice for you to start your online business.

Which platform is best suited to your niche?

In blogging vs youtube comparison, the most important factor you need to keep in mind is “niche”.

Yes, niche plays a very vital role while selecting a platform for your content.

For example, if you want to work in the beauty & fashion niche, then youtube is the best platform to start.

Because in such types of niches, video form of content can easily grabs more attention than the article form.

Basically, you should choose your platform by considering the niche & their targeted audience in mind.

For this you can take the help of Google, you just need to type any keyword according to your niche in the google search bar & see the results.

If that keyword shows the result of video form of content in top results then, go with a youtube platform.

Whereas, if results show some blogs are ranking on top pages of Google against that keyword, then blogging is perfect for that niche.

How fast do you want to become successful?

Success is also one of the major ratios in the comparison between blogging vs youtube.

Because both platforms take their own time to grow your online money-making business.

But, with the youtube platform, you can comparatively reach success faster than the blogging platform.

In the case of youtube, if you work on low competition keywords then there is always a high chance of your ranking as compared to blogging.

In blogging, you can also scale your blog content in a short period of time but, for this, you need to do a lot of hard works.

Best-suited monetization options?

In the case of blogging, you have lots of monetization options other than Google AdSense & affiliate marketing.

Whereas, when you run a youtube channel you mostly have to rely on Google AdSense & affiliate marketing to monetize your content.

The best thing about blogging is that you can experiment with various ad networks on every single blog post.

Also, in blogging, you can edit any blog post at any time according to your monetization strategy.

This thing is almost impossible in the case of youtube videos.

How much money you can invest?

Generally, blogging & youtube are both online businesses you can start without spending a single penny.

For free blogging, you can use the blogger platform, whereas youtube is a completely free platform to start.

But, if you really want to scale your online business at the next level & want to earn decent money from it, then you have to spend some chunk of money for it.

In the field of blogging, you need to do some initial investment in your website domain name & hosting plan.

Whereas, in the field of youtube, you need to do some initial investment on your camera & mic.

blogging vs youtube: Control over content?

When it is time to compare blogging vs youtube on the basis of your control over your content, that time blogging undoubtedly leads the race.

Because in the field of blogging you use dedicated web hosting to store your content.

That is the reason why Google can’t harm your content directly without your permission

Whereas youtube is a free-to-use platform provided by Google, therefore they can control your content at any time.

This means if any of your content violates youtube policy, then youtube can remove it without giving further notice to you.

Blogging or youtube: Security of content?

After a lot of research & hard work, when you published any of your content, at that time its security matters a lot for you.

Am I right?

Therefore, if you compare blogging vs youtube on this particular parameter, then blogging is comparatively more secure than youtube.

Because in some past years many popular youtube accounts were hacked by hackers.

Whereas, you can protect your WordPress website by using passwords.

Also, due to free to use platform, youtube can ban your account at any time without giving any further notification.

In the case of blogging, it can’t generally happen.

Final Thoughts On Blogging Vs Youtube:

Blogging & Youtube, both are equally profitable & most popular online earning businesses.

But, how to utilize their popularity to make money online is completely depends upon your mindset.

To help you to make your decision, we tried to compare blogging vs youtube on various parameters, in the above guide.

I hope, this guide will turn helpful in your decision process.

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We will meet in the next valuable article, till then be smart, be digital!!!

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