Affiliate marketing for beginners (In-depth guide 2023)

Last updated on July 27th, 2023 at 09:28 pm

Day by day our basic needs are increasing and our 9-5 routine job are unable to fulfil that needs.

If you are going through the same situation, then today’s article is perfect for you.

Because today we are going to share valuable information on affiliate marketing for beginners.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Nowadays, affiliate marketing is one of the rapidly growing industries in the world.

You can earn tons of money by sitting at your home, this is the power of affiliate marketing.

So, let’s start our free affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

What is affiliate marketing and how does it work:

As I mentioned earlier this is the Affiliate Marketing for beginners guide.

Therefore, will try to explain to you in a very simple term, affiliate marketing is the procedure to earn money by promoting someone else product.

Let me explain to you one example of affiliate marketing for your better understanding.

Suppose any company manufactured clothes & you refer someone to their clothes.

With the help of your reference if someone buys their clothes, then the company will give you some percentage of the amount as an affiliate commission.

That doesn’t mean the cloth manufacturing company will cost any extra amount for your reference.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is you don’t need to buy any product to promote someone & earn an affiliate commission.

How do I start affiliate marketing as a beginner?

When I’m planning to write an article on Affiliate Marketing for beginners guide.

I’m confused about where to start, but after a lot of research, I get my answers on the basis of your queries.

In that research, I found a lot of people are struggling with the same question, where to start my affiliate journey.

So, here is the solution to your problem.

first of all, let me clear one thing that, there is no rocket science you need to learn to become an affiliate marketer.

Let, me explain to you all in a more simple way, to start your affiliate marketing journey, first you need to decide on a perfect niche.

After deciding the niche, the next step you need to do is, choose the best platform to promote the niche-related product.

Platform means you need to create a blog, youtube channel, Instagram account, etc., where you can promote your affiliate product.

After choosing a suitable platform for your product, the next step is to add relevant & quality content to your platform at a regular interval of time.

Thereafter, you need to join a suitable affiliate program for your niche. After joining the affiliate program, start promoting their product on your platform by using their affiliate link in your content.

Whenever someone purchases their product by using your affiliate link you will get your affiliate commission.

Remember one thing, in this whole process, you need to drive traffic on your affiliate platform to generate more revenue.

To drive organic traffic on any platform best strategy is, you need to do SEO of your platform.

Best niche for Affiliate Marketing:

In the case of affiliate marketing, there are tonnes of profitable niches or topics available.

Most people are always confused to decide their affiliate niches.

To make their affiliate marketing journey easier here is the list of 5 best & profitable affiliate marketing niches,

1. Fitness Affiliate Niche:

Fitness is the evergreen niche, everyone likes to stay fit in their daily life. People don’t hesitate to spend money on their fitness.

Therefore, there are always had massive money earning opportunities in a fitness affiliate niche.

You can promote a large number of fitness products under this profitable niche.

2. Traveling Affiliate Niche:

Traveling is a hobby of many peoples. Peoples like to gather information before traveling to any new place.

Therefore, in a traveling affiliate niche, you can promote your affiliate links easily by providing detailed information as per the traveler’s interest.

If your information is valuable for them then there are high chances that they will travel with your recommended travel vehicle or will stay in recommended hotels.

Which is indirect will help you to earn your affiliate commission.

This is just one example of the traveling affiliate niche, there are tonnes of many ways to earn money in this particular niche.

3. Personal Development Affiliate Niche:

Development is the need of the modern era. People like to develop their personalities in today’s modern world.

Therefore, many of them always searching for personality development tips, books, and videos on the internet.

This type of affiliate niche always gets a high conversion rate as compared to others.

You can promote & sell personal development books, courses, tutorials & many more under this niche.

4. Pet’s Affiliate Niche:

Many peoples treat their pets like family members. People love to spend quality time with their pets.

Therefore, if you work on a pets affiliate program & provide relevant content then you will get great earning results.

In this particular affiliate niche, there are many products that are available to promote like pet training courses, foods, clothes & many more.

5. Kids Affiliate Niche:

Kids are the reason for happiness, every parent likes to see their kids happy always.

Therefore they are always searching for valuable information regarding baby caring on the internet.

I must say, the kid’s affiliate niche is one of the best affiliate marketing niches for beginners.

Because in this niche if you give detailed information about parenting or baby caring, then it doesn’t matter how costly your product is, people will definitely buy from your affiliate link for their child.

Under this affiliate niche, you can promote & sell tonnes of baby products.

Best affiliate programs for beginners to make money:

After starting the affiliate marketers journey, every beginner has one big question, which are the best affiliate programs for their niche?

But frankly speaking, every affiliate program is equally profitable & it completely depends upon your niche.

To know which affiliate program is helpful for your niche, simply type your niche name with the affiliate program keyword on google.

For more clarity please go with the below screenshot example,


Here is the 5 best affiliate marketing program for most of the affiliate niches.

1. Amazon Affiliate

2. Clickbank

3. Diggistore

4. ShareASale Affiliate

5. CJ Affiliate

Let me add one more important thing, many of the affiliate programs give you recurring commissions. My recommendation is, always try to join this kind of affiliate program.

Because these are the best ways for your passive income.

How much money can you make as an affiliate marketer?

The honest answer to the above question is there is no certain fixed amount you can earn with the help of affiliate marketing.

Because your earnings will vary every month, this completely depends upon your affiliate sales.

But, if your content is completely based on users’ intent then, you will definitely earn massive money from affiliate marketing.

Many affiliate marketers earn millions from their affiliate networks.

Remember, affiliate marketing is not an overnight millionaire scheme.

You have to keep some patience in the field of affiliate marketing to earn money.

In this free affiliate marketing for beginners guide you need to know top affiliate marketers:

In every field, you need some sort of motivation to achieve success.

At the start of every new online earning business two things always come to our mind.

The first is, is this a profitable business for me & another thing is, you feel curious to know the names of successful persons in this same business.

Because that gives you the ultimate motivation to reach your targeted goals.

Similarly, in the case of affiliate marketing, you need to know some successful affiliate marketers to boost your confidence level.

Therefore, here are the 5 top affiliate marketers you need to know,

1. Pat Flynn

2. Ian Fernando

3. Finch Sells

4. John Chow

5. Shawn Collins

Can I use AdSense and affiliate?

In the early phase of blogging everyone was stuck on the same question. The straight answer to this question is Big Yes.

You can definitely use AdSense & Affiliate on the same blog.

But, at the same time, you need to go through with AdSense & Affiliate policies.

This means you need to keep a safe distance between both links to avoid policy violations.

Final Thoughts:

Affiliate Marketing can do your earning doubles, but as I mentioned earlier you are required to invest time in that process.

You need to learn affiliate marketing skills, and affiliate marketing strategy to become a successful affiliate marketer.

To learn affiliate marketing skills & strategies no one can help you, instead of you.

If you wanted to grow in the affiliate business then, you always need to go with trial & error strategies.

Because this strategy will help you to understand your user’s requirements.

In this affiliate marketing for beginners guide, I tried to cover all the related topics, on the basis of my best knowledge.

Still, if you require any information, feel free to ask in the below comment box section.

One more thing, if you find this article helpful, kindly do share it with your friends & family!

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